Please help me!
a girl who needs urgent help
hi, I found this website quite by accident. And when I went to translate your language, I realized that you are from Slovenia. Well, that's not so important now. I am interested in how to lose 3 kg in 4 days. You can write your answer in Slovenian and I will translate it.
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Mislm, da je to joke ampak okej.
Hello, I think this is joke or something but still I'll answer you. In 4 days you'll lose 3kg really hard. It's really short time. I don't know if it'll work but you can try this:
*b*1. Don't skip meals.*b* Eat 5 times a day but normal sizes of meals for lunch, breakfast and dinner. Have a small snack between breakfast and lunch and between lunch and dinner. It can be fruit, a snack bar(if it's possible-the most healthy ones)...
*b*2. Workout.*b* You can try with workouts for losing weight. Search for different workouts on Youtube. You can find it on Pinterest too(if you have it of course). But don't overdo it. And start slowly-first day you can dob it for idk like 10 or 15 minutes and next day 5min more and you can increase this in following days.
*b*3. Drink water.*b* Water is important, okay? It can also help with losing weight(I mean I heard it can but I don't know really). Drink enough water every day. You have to be hydrated.
*b*4. Eat healthy food.*b* This should help I guess. Don't eat unhealty food too much. As I already said(well I didn't said, I wrote:sweat_smile:) -eat 5 meals a day. You can cook food at home and search for some healthy recepies online or in cookbooks. There's a lot of useful videos (recepies) on Youtube and Pinterest. Search there.
I know you wrote that you can translate but we use "slang" (I don't kniw if this is coreect in English haha) here and we don't write totally correct so you wouldn't be able to translate every single word. So I wrote in English. It's probably a lot of mistakes and I don't know if it helped but this is what I learnd from Youtube and Pinterest and maybe helps you.
(še kar ne vem kako si našla/našel to spletno stran, če si res iz tujine.)
Srečno/good luck,
Hello, I think this is joke or something but still I'll answer you. In 4 days you'll lose 3kg really hard. It's really short time. I don't know if it'll work but you can try this:
*b*1. Don't skip meals.*b* Eat 5 times a day but normal sizes of meals for lunch, breakfast and dinner. Have a small snack between breakfast and lunch and between lunch and dinner. It can be fruit, a snack bar(if it's possible-the most healthy ones)...
*b*2. Workout.*b* You can try with workouts for losing weight. Search for different workouts on Youtube. You can find it on Pinterest too(if you have it of course). But don't overdo it. And start slowly-first day you can dob it for idk like 10 or 15 minutes and next day 5min more and you can increase this in following days.
*b*3. Drink water.*b* Water is important, okay? It can also help with losing weight(I mean I heard it can but I don't know really). Drink enough water every day. You have to be hydrated.
*b*4. Eat healthy food.*b* This should help I guess. Don't eat unhealty food too much. As I already said(well I didn't said, I wrote:sweat_smile:) -eat 5 meals a day. You can cook food at home and search for some healthy recepies online or in cookbooks. There's a lot of useful videos (recepies) on Youtube and Pinterest. Search there.
I know you wrote that you can translate but we use "slang" (I don't kniw if this is coreect in English haha) here and we don't write totally correct so you wouldn't be able to translate every single word. So I wrote in English. It's probably a lot of mistakes and I don't know if it helped but this is what I learnd from Youtube and Pinterest and maybe helps you.
(še kar ne vem kako si našla/našel to spletno stran, če si res iz tujine.)
Srečno/good luck,
a girl who needs urgent help
thank you there were some mistakes but I figured out what it says. I don't know why you think it's a joke, I wanted to write it in the search engine PILE but I wrote PIL by mistake, I saw this website for the first time and it caught my eye and I had to look at it. thank you really.
Okay then. I said it because there were some kind of jokes when someomes were writing in English for help but then it was joke so I didn't know. Ahh I saw mistakes now haha it's my keyboard's fault
a girl who needs urgent help
oh, you also have it so that the keyboard corrects your mistakes by itself
a girl who needs urgent help
if you want, I can explain why I want to lose 3 kg or more in 4 days...
a girl who needs urgent help
I said #happygirl and not to you! sorry but yes...
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a girl who needs urgent help
potrebuje pomoč ali nasvet v
Please help me!
hi, I found this website quite by accident. And when I went to translate your language, I realized that you are from Slovenia. Well, that's not so important now. I am interested in how to lose 3 kg in 4 days. You can write your answer in Slovenian and I will translate it.
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