Cruel Swiftie
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bruh i randomly chose a book cuz i was wandering trough teenage pa adult section z ang knjigami and the first page : *i* for all of us who have cried seeing ourselves in the mirror *i* :skull:i mean like perfectly written for me <33
dosegla sem 100 naročnikov in ti si 18 izmed njih! btw si zelo kul+ naročena
dosegla sem 100 naročnikov in ti si 18 izmed njih! btw si zelo kul+ naročena
i miss i'm sorry je mi i'm dying song hehe sometimes
bahaha tok cringe ko posulsas svoje petjee :joy:pa i'm weird js kr mal tone pr pesmih spreminjam idk why heh it sounds ok:skull::skull::joy:pa laufam do klavirja da igram zravnn:joy:pa pojem tko operno :joy:and it comes out so weird:grimacing::skull:i mean enjoy life:joy::yellow_heart:
Am i the only one k ma na telefonu 400 slik od mačkov :joy::skull:
battling the thoughts in your head je the worst :skull:+ convience yourself da je nekej narobe when ur doing it for sooo long :skull: + knowing it's not right, but feeling right at the same time :skull: + knowing what you need but ur too afraid to get it :skull: + knowing someone should know, but you don't tell anyone :skull:+ comparing yourself to others but it doesn't matter who is worse cuz everything's bad :skull:
i'm so proud of the line i wrote in a song : *b* somehow expected but never really saw it coming *b* i think da usam ta quote like way too much :skull::skull::skull:
What's y'all's fave apps???
Moje so hmmm vajbr (kr pac hm nevem i gotta talk w ppl a LOT), pinterest (Cuz i need recipes and slayy pics of Tay) pa hm spotify/apple musicc (the best lmao i'm obsessed with amking playlists)
Moje so hmmm vajbr (kr pac hm nevem i gotta talk w ppl a LOT), pinterest (Cuz i need recipes and slayy pics of Tay) pa hm spotify/apple musicc (the best lmao i'm obsessed with amking playlists)
Veliki literarni natečaj "NAJST"
Sodelujte na natečaju "NAJST," ki ga najdete v rubriki FESTIVAL!
Dogodek je del programa bralne kulture, ki ga sofinancira Javna agencija za knjigo Republike Slovenije.
Hej Matt! Mam eno vprašanje- zakaj v abecedi ...