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*i* you ever talk to someone so much that they start to become a part of your daily routine and they they´re not around your days really suck... *i*
Tisti, ki pišete dnevnik, zakaj ga pišete?
Tisti, ki pišete dnevnik, zakaj ga pišete?
jaz ga pišem, da dam vse kar si mislim iz sebe pa zaradi spominov kr čene itak pol čez 2 leti vse pozabim pa grem brati star dnevnik pa je ful dober feeling <33:)
nevem tko prblizn 1 pac js nobenmu ne dost zaupam se seb ucasih ne hah in pol je slabo drzat not misli in obcutke in tud slabo na dolgi rok in ja zto :)
Lol jst rak snemam pa sama sebi Voice delam uni deep thoughti pa jih sploh nocem videt na papirju ker moj quote je " You cant read minds but you can read a paper."
*i* i think its importnant to realize you can miss something, but not want it back *i*
*i* Even cold water feels warm when your hands are frozen... *i*
spet sem napisala blog, ki govori o preprostih stvareh, ki jih pogosto spregledamo, čeprav so to tisti trenutki, ob katerih se počutimo najsrečnejše.
*i* the little things? the little moments? they aren`t little *i* -a.
vabljeni k branju!
greetings, springirl
spet sem napisala blog, ki govori o preprostih stvareh, ki jih pogosto spregledamo, čeprav so to tisti trenutki, ob katerih se počutimo najsrečnejše.
*i* the little things? the little moments? they aren`t little *i* -a.
vabljeni k branju!
greetings, springirl
*b* love always hurts in the end, whether you're happily or unhappily in love. *b*
What do you get when you fall in love?
A guy with a pin to burst your bubble
That's what you get for all your trouble
I'll never fall in love again
I'll never fall in love again
--D. Warwick
A guy with a pin to burst your bubble
That's what you get for all your trouble
I'll never fall in love again
I'll never fall in love again
--D. Warwick
*roza* memo *roza*
do not be misled: “bad company corrupts good character.”
cor. 15:33
do not be misled: “bad company corrupts good character.”
cor. 15:33