Ena pesem
I look in the mirror, but I don’t see me,
A stranger’s face staring back, who could that be?
They say “just be yourself,” but I don’t know how,
When the voices in my head are too loud.
I’m trying to find the pieces that make me whole,
But every day’s a struggle, losing control.
Hiding behind a smile that’s not quite mine,
Pretending I’m okay, all the time.
Hidden inside, I’m scared you’ll see,
The parts of me that don’t feel free.
Hidden inside, where no one dares,
Afraid to show the cracks and the scares.
I thought I knew what made me strong,
But now it feels like I got it all wrong.
The things I loved don’t feel the same,
And I’m left alone, caught in this game.
I don’t know who I am, it’s all a mess,
What I liked before now means much less.
And I’m not pretty, or even smart,
Just a kid trying fix a broken hearth.
To je ena od veliko pesmi k sm jih napisala prosm ocente al če naj jih sploh pišem kr jih noben sploh ne bere men pa dost dolg uzame da napišem.
A stranger’s face staring back, who could that be?
They say “just be yourself,” but I don’t know how,
When the voices in my head are too loud.
I’m trying to find the pieces that make me whole,
But every day’s a struggle, losing control.
Hiding behind a smile that’s not quite mine,
Pretending I’m okay, all the time.
Hidden inside, I’m scared you’ll see,
The parts of me that don’t feel free.
Hidden inside, where no one dares,
Afraid to show the cracks and the scares.
I thought I knew what made me strong,
But now it feels like I got it all wrong.
The things I loved don’t feel the same,
And I’m left alone, caught in this game.
I don’t know who I am, it’s all a mess,
What I liked before now means much less.
And I’m not pretty, or even smart,
Just a kid trying fix a broken hearth.
To je ena od veliko pesmi k sm jih napisala prosm ocente al če naj jih sploh pišem kr jih noben sploh ne bere men pa dost dolg uzame da napišem.
Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
zelo globoko <3
anonimen/ anonimna
Moj odgovor:
potrebuje pomoč ali nasvet v
ne tok pomembn probelm
jz bi si ful sla delat second piercing na usesu pač nad temu običnemu k ga že mam ,ampak me je ful strah. Za te k ste ze to delale a je fejst bolel? pa a je ta bol bolel ko un običn. Pač jz sm clock ko se ful boji pac cepljenja ko ti vzemejo kri.... in me je zato tut ful strah to za ušese.Bi pa res ful rada mela ane kr ful rada nosim nakit uno res polno.
vem da ni nek vlek probelem ampak me sam zanima.
jz bi si ful sla delat second piercing na usesu pač nad temu običnemu k ga že mam ,ampak me je ful strah. Za te k ste ze to delale a je fejst bolel? pa a je ta bol bolel ko un običn. Pač jz sm clock ko se ful boji pac cepljenja ko ti vzemejo kri.... in me je zato tut ful strah to za ušese.Bi pa res ful rada mela ane kr ful rada nosim nakit uno res polno.
vem da ni nek vlek probelem ampak me sam zanima.
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Kako vam je všeč septembrski Pil?
Zelo mi je všeč.
Ni mi všeč, premalo je zanimivih vsebin.