Naslednji Pil izide 6. decembra
Ikona Ikona Ikona Ikona
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značka Pisalnica: House 250 on Delby lane - 3. Del

House 250 on Delby lane - 3. Del

"No, nope I'm going downstairs, if you two want to summon ghosts, you can, but don't drag me into it," said Rachel and walked back downstairs.
Mick and Annie looked at each other, then entered the room. The room had flowery wallpaper on the walls, which was dirty and peeling off the walls. At the far end was a closet, and next to it was a bed with a bedside table on the other side. There was also a tall shelf.

Annie walked around the room, looking for any hidden items. She was so busy looking around that she didn't notice the floorboard beneath her was unstable and missing a piece of the corner. As she stepped on it, half of it broke and her foot fell through the hole and got stuck. Mick ran over and helped her out. The two peered inside the hole, noticing a spirit board inside. They took it out and decided to try to call Joanne's spirit.

"Is there anyone here with us?" Mick asked aloud. The pointer on the spirit board shifted to 'yes'
"Is it Joanne?" He asked. The pointer shifted to 'no'.
"Are you in the doll?" Annie asked, for she had just found the porcelain doll in the closet.
The pointer shifted to 'yes'.
"Is it Joanne?" He asked. The pointer shifted to 'no'.

Meanwhile Rachel stood in the kitchen, talking to herself: "It's not my fault that I'm a scaredy cat, no one in their right mind would try to do what those two are doing. I'd..." Her thoughts were interrupted by a sudden movement and a pair of glowing yellow eyes. She jumped back, hitting her head on the wall behind her. She realized it was just a cat, before her vision began blurring.

Back upstairs Annie and Mick were still playing with the spirit board.
"What's your name?" Mick asked, but the pointer stayed still this time.
"Can I try?"
"Yeah, sure," he said, and leaned against the wall, playing games on his phone.
The moment Annie touched the pointer, it started to move

"So what's its name?"
"That's such a dumb name," he laughed. The next second, his phone shot out of his hands and flew across the room. It hit the wall and broke.
"W-what the heck just happened?" He stuttered, then picked up the doll. He opened the door, then threw the doll down the stairs in anger, causing it to shatter into pieces.
"Oh my god, why did you do that?" Annie asked, her voice panicked. The silence that followed, was suddenly broken by a scream from downstairs.

Moj odgovor:

Vsebina odgovora:
Na spletu bodi vedno prijazen in ne deli svojih osebnih podatkov.


Horse Lover!

Jahanje pogube-opis likov

Ogledov: 32 Odgovorov: 1

Na drugi strani iluzije 3. del

Ogledov: 41 Odgovorov: 1

moja slaba ideja 16. del

Ogledov: 31 Odgovorov: 2

IGRA 30. del

Ogledov: 36 Odgovorov: 2

Ghaalib 6. del

Ogledov: 52 Odgovorov: 6

Lov na zeleno lobanjo 1. del

Ogledov: 42 Odgovorov: 2
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Zadnji odgovori

Hejjj, sori, sam meni kode ne delajo :cold_sweat:
woow! pač rse, da je 3. slikica res najbolj ...
waw! rse jih imaš veliko! pa zlo lepo si ...
evo! john je v tem delu tko top. pač ene ...
:sweat_drops::sweat_drops::crown::crown::prayer_beads::prayer_beads::ring::ring::ring::gem::gem::gem: še ...
Vav. Kje črpaš ideje in pogruntala sem zakaj ...
hej mam recept kako naredis nekaj ko te previč ...
...njega kako je kar naenkrat pri meni ko ...
Sej je kjuti, ampak #nohate, a bi loh pisala ...
fuuul suprr je!!!! lovam:kissing_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkles::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:. ...
Jejjjjj omgggg, ne veš Kuk sem js gledala ...
iii full lepo men je najbolj vsec tretja:smiley::relaxed: super ...