Naslednji Pil izide 8. novembra
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značka Pisalnica: Memories Lost 3. del

Memories Lost 3. del

After school, I stopped by my house just to drop off my textbooks. I didn’t even bother to say hello to William; I went straight to our treehouse.
Well, it was behind Fritz’s house, but we built it together a few years ago. Before Evan’s death, before Elizabeth… Ah, Elizabeth. I miss her too. It wasn’t just Evan’s death that was bothering me; my mom, my sister… they both died before I turned twelve. Well, Elizabeth went missing, but it’s been three years. I don’t think she’s coming back.
I sighed and continued walking. I wasn’t even sure if Fritz was home yet, but since he told me to meet him at the treehouse, I decided to wait there. I sat on the floor and started to mindlessly draw in my sketchbook. I must’ve lost track of time, because when I looked back up, Fritz was sitting in front of me, smiling.
“Well, well, what do we have here?”
I put my sketchbook back in my backpack and shrugged.
“You wanted to show me something, didn’t you?”
“Oh, yeah, about that- I just wanted to get you out of there. I haven’t seen you in two weeks; you’re worrying me, y’know?”
I nodded. He wasn’t wrong. I’ve isolated myself completely, even William seemed worried sometimes.
“I just… can’t deal with it. It’s too much, and he just doesn’t get it. I have no idea how my dad can get over it so quickly.”
“If I’m honest, I’d say that losing so many people at this point just made him … numb. He’s been through his shit, you have to excuse him.”
I sighed; I didn’t want to think about that, I didn’t want to excuse him, I did not want to let it go. I felt so guilty; I couldn’t just let it go.
“Mikey, I…” he sat down beside me and leaned on my shoulder. “I’m sorry. When we were there, when I helped you lift him up, I thought about letting go. And maybe, if I said something, he’d still be alive and you’d be alright. I think about it all the time, too. I’m not saying I know how you feel, I can’t imagine how hard this must be for you. But… we can get through this together, I know we can, but please. Trust me.”
I don’t know why, but this surprised me. Fritz was never the crying type, and yet there he was, holding back tears. I hugged him; it was the first thing I could think of. I didn’t want to let him go this time. I never wanted to let him go, I never wanted to lose him. I couldn’t imagine what it would be like without him. I didn’t want to.
“It’s alright,” I said, hugging him tighter. “It’s gonna be alright. Trust me.”
We stayed like this for a while. I don’t remember if any of us actually cried or not. And yet, I’ve never felt better than in that moment. Not necessarily good, just… comfortable. I never felt like that around my family, around William. Fritz was right; my father was just numb, and he’s been ever since I can remember. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him cry.

Actually, I have.
He shared Fredbear’s with his best friend, Henry, but Circus Baby’s Pizza was his own creation. It was supposed to open back in 1980, but then a gas leak happened and in a week or two, there was nothing to open anymore. The place was for sale and William gave up on animatronics for quite a while. I remember walking around the building, looking at all the new stuff, when suddenly a scream echoed through the halls. It was undoubtedly William’s voice, no matter how many times he’s denied it. I followed it and before I could go any further, William found me and told me to get out. Probably the gas leak. Him, me and Evan found each other outside the building.
But not Elizabeth.
That night, I woke up in the middle of the night to get a glass of water. As I was walking down to the kitchen, I heard something in Eli’s room. Curious, I opened the door to the sight of my father sitting on the bed, hugging Eli’s plush toy, tears pouring down his face. Why was he crying? She’ll come back, right?
He turned to me and stopped.
“M- Mikey, it’s late, you should go to bed.”
In that moment, I did the only thing I could think of, the thing that Fritz did whenever I was sad. I went up to him and hugged him. He hesitated for a moment, but hugged back nonetheless. I could feel him shaking. Looking back at that night, I know he was trying his best not to scream. He just lost his daughter, and yet, he acted tough for me and Evan.
Maybe he wasn’t that bad after all.


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Najjssss js še enkrat obožujem Afton Family!!!!!
Aj eno uprašanje a v tvoji zgodbi (vem da je mal spremenjena ku je ta original) kaj torej sta michael×Fritz??
Aja js čene ju ne dajam skupi:joy::joy::joy::joy:. Al delaš pač samo to da sta prijatelja:joy::joy:??
Ne povem >:)
Čene ju lih ne dajam js skup. XD Mam že drugega z michaelom (ni original je moja AU(AU-Another Universe(nvm če sm prav napisala lol))). Mam pač svojo zgodbo XD lol
Waaaw awesome :D Jaz imam nekaj splaniranega za Fritza, mogoče uganeš, če se spomniš, iz kje je ime njegovo- tako da preprosto ne bi šlo brez njega v zgodbi, pa tudi ubogi Mike absolutno nujno potrebuje prijatelja, the poor guy :(
kulllllllll!! Midva sva sdaj prijatelja >:)
You're my friend now UnU

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Prepričaj se, da na spletu ne objavljaš svojih osebnih podatkov in ne žališ drugih uporabnikov.



IGRA 28. del

Ogledov: 19 Odgovorov: 1

MALI MUFI 6. del

Ogledov: 10 Odgovorov: 1

Prijateljstvo 2. del

Ogledov: 16 Odgovorov: 1

Božično leto 3. del

Ogledov: 25 Odgovorov: 1

SAMO PLEŠI🌸 36. del

Ogledov: 60 Odgovorov: 6

Božično leto 2. del

Ogledov: 29 Odgovorov: 1

ljubezen na prvi piškotek

Ogledov: 39 Odgovorov: 2
rožica potrebuje pomoč ali nasvet v

vse je slabo

Torej mam problem s staršema. Torej zame bi vsi rekl da sm ful srecna v zviljenu da mam ful fajne starse in da smo taka vesela družina. Ampak temu ni čist tko. Sj ne rečem kdaj se mamo res res fajn in takrt sm zlo srečna kdaj pa je vse slabo da mi gre cel dan na jok in zvečer se zjokam v pojstli. Torej mami včasih pije. Ima obdobje ko ne in takrat je super. Zdaj pa je spet obdobje ko skriva pijačo po sstanovanju in jaz sm že dost stara da vem kdaj je kaj pila ker se ji vidi po obnašanju. Sj ni grozno pijana mi pa to čisto nič ni všeč. Tud za očijem se vse večkrat kregata. Zdj je oči že 3 dni čist hladen in žalosten. Oba hočta to pred mano mal skrit ampak jima gre očitno bl slabo. Zdj je pa še oči najdu nek vin nekje skrit in je katastrofa. Prov otročja sta že. Recimo mami zameri in gre v sobo in ati skuha kosil in ona pol tega ne je in mi gre nasleden dan govort dda kaj zj on misl da je k je skuhal ta kosil. Pol mi zvecer ati rece bom naredu neki drudzga da ne bo presimpl da nav problemov in ja. In pač najbl slabo je to da je v hiši tok slb vibe da mi gre cel čs na jok. Vedno k se pogovarjata mi srce nabija da bo en znoru. Vem da se tud od drugih starši kregajo ampak vsi k jih js pozanm majo vsaj enga brata al pa sestro in to je pol mal lažje. Js sm pa edinka. PA še mami ma neke zdravstven težave in me je strah da ni kj narobe. Kaj nj ?? A nej se vmešam all nj rajš vse pustim prmir? A se še komu kj takega dgaja?

Vpiši se

Nov uporabnik | Pozabljeno geslo


Veliki literarni natečaj "NAJST"

Sodelujte na natečaju "NAJST," ki ga najdete v rubriki FESTIVAL!

Dogodek je del programa bralne kulture, ki ga sofinancira Javna agencija za knjigo Republike Slovenije.


Kako vam je všeč septembrski Pil?
Zelo mi je všeč.
Ni mi všeč, premalo je zanimivih vsebin.


Pogosta vprašanja

Iščeš odgovore na vprašanja, kot so "Kako se naročim na revijo Pil?", "Kako se registrirati?", Kakšna so pravila obnašanja na Pilovi spletni strani?" in "Kam vnesem naročniško številko?" Klikni na spodnji gumb in najdi odgovore!


Zadnji odgovori

Sam tak likam!!!!:kissing_heart::heart_eyes::blush::wink::innocent::grin::relaxed: Lp, ...
A to knjigo sem pa prebrala. Čisto vse dele, ...
Jaz ful rada pišem in mi je predvsem všeč ...
lovammmm🥹🥹🥹... in ura je zakon :grin::grin::grin:
btw zrezala sm uro pa to vn ne se cudt lol
hahahahahahahaha nvm lih kaksna je bla pikapolonca ...
Čeprav je manj napisanega mi je vseeno všeč.
Fajn je sam kako ne zmrznes u tem girl mene ...
1. Hermiona 2. Draco Malfoy 3. Pomona ...
1. Hermiona 2. Draco Malfoy 3. Pomona Ochrowt