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značka Pisalnica: Secrets Of Skylands 5. del

Secrets Of Skylands 5. del

Oprostite za *khm* manjšo pavzo za nekaj msecev oz. pol leta. Zdaj jih bom pisal tedenska no bom vsaj poskusil. Prosim lajkajte to objavo in res PROSIM zapišite svoje mnenje v komentarje, ne pozabite prebrati prejšnih delov in pa uživajte v branju.

Ep. 5 The Shadow Serpent

Will was walking in a forest. The fog was realy thick. He saw a star shaped shadow with legs and arms. It was raising one of it's arms. It was laughing in a high voice. He came closer and saw his little brother in the air. Then he realised. The creature was holding his brother Mikey. It looked like it was choking him. "Noo, somebody help, Will help, Will..." He couldn't speak anymore. Will looked at the monster with rage and started screaming. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING, STOP NOW, LEAVE MY BROTHER ALONE!" The creature turned around. It had one eye. It was blue, star shaped and it had a big eye in the middle. It laughed even more. It put it stopped holding Mikey and he fell down. Then it raised both of it's arms. Between it's hands a big blue star was getting bigger and bigger. Then it threw it at Will aiming for his chest. "Aaaah!" He screamed in pain.

Will woke up screaming. It was a dream fortunately. After he ate the breakfast with Ava. He looked at his little brother. He was safe and well. Ava went to Lily's apartment to invite her on adventures. Meanwhile Will was reading the old book. He was looking for something that will explain his dream. It felt so real and he could still feel the pain in his chest. Then he put the book aside. He was wondering who was that star, and what was it doing with his brother. Then the book fell on the ground. He picked it up. When he did, a strange piece of paper fell out of the book. He looked what it was. It was a map. It was showing a forest called the "Enchanted forest". The more he stared at it the more familiar it looked. Then he realised that it's the same forest Ava and Will had adventures in. But when he looked again, he saw that the animals were moving. He was amazed by the map. Then he looked at the corner. It was it. The star. The one from the dream. He suddenly started feeling pain in his chest. He started to think that it actually happened. Did he realy die? Is his little brother suffering? Is this an illusion? He was overthinking. He had nothing to do other than play legos with his little brother. And that is exacly what he did. "Hiii i'm home!" Ava screamed. "Me and Lily are back. So are we going somewhere?" Ava was very unpatient. "Yes we are, just calm down." He told them about the Enchanted forest but he kept quiet about his dream because he didn't want them to worry abot him. "Yes but we gotta be careful cause maybe we see Mixer." Ava whispered to Lily. "Alright, but who's Mixer?" Lily whispered back. "Remember when I was telling you about Mary?" "Yeah, that water monster." "Well she said that a godly creature called Mixer made her," and then she spoke about Mary even more
while Mikey and Will were looking at the map.

There was a ruin or some kind of a temple. Around the temple a black snake with a text next to it was crawling and roaming around. "The Shadow Serpent" it said. They headed to the ruin. Will wanted to see the snake. He was very curious. "Will there be gold in the ruin?" Mikey asked. "Maybe," Will anwsered. They were walking about an hour now and they should be close. Then they heard something moving above them. They were starting to get scared. Suddenly, they heard a stick break behind them. "What was that?" Lily jumped. "Don't worry about it was probably just a squirrel," Will calmed her down, not wanting to cause panic. Then he stumbled upon a stone wall. "That is probably the ruin!" Mikey screamed and started running to see the other side. "Mikey wait!" But it was too late, they couldn't see him anymore. Then they heard a scream. It was coming from the way Mikey went. "Mikey!" Will was scared for him and started running. The scream,
his dreams, is his brother in danger? Then he saw him. He had tears all over his face. He hugged Will. "I.. it was h.. h.. huge Will," he said. Then a giant black snake crawled from the shadows. "Ruunnn!" Ava screamed. Fuzz appeared in front of Mikey. He jumped on the dog and it started running. Bubbles then made three bubbles for Lily, Ava and Will. "Wait, where is Whisk?" Will couldn't leave his friend here but he also couldn't stay, searching for him since the snake was here. Will was looking from above. Then he realised. They were going towards Ben's house. "Hey Ava, we can't lead the snake to the house, we have to change our path until the snake stops folowing us." "You're right, Bubbles, go left!" All of the bubbles that he made went left just like Ava said. Suddenly the snake jumped towards Will. He paniced and moved to the edge of the balloon. The snake then popped the balloon with its teeth. Will fell on the ground. Ava saw that. " Wiiill," she screamed and told Bubbles to go back. The snake crawled towards him. He was scared. But the he saw an old piece of paper falling on the ground next to the snake. He wanted to get the map, but if he did that he would put his life on a risk. The snake hissed towards him, and jumped towards him ready to eat it's meal. But then Whisk flew out of the tree's leaves and shot a laser at the snake. It knocjed the snake on the floor, leaving it unconscious. With the snake, Whisk also hit the map, burning it down. "Whisk," Will shouted at the creature relieved, "where have you been?" Without Whisk, he would have been done for.

"Where's Mikey?" Will asked. "Probably already at home, Fuzz can smell the way back and he is also pretty fast," Ava awnsered. "I hope you're right, because im a little worried," "He'll be fine, Fuzz is strong." "I think that the monster's power is to blend in with the swadows. That's why we couldn't see it behind us or when we were running away from it i couldn't see it anywhere." "Yeah, I was also thinking about it," Ava said. They made another bubble for Will and flew home. Ava was right, Mikey was already at home. Ben was complaining about them leaving Mikey alone, and how unsafe it is for him especialy in the forest. Lily was with them untill evening, until she had to go home. In bed Ava and Will were talking about their adventure. Mikey was already asleep "Hey Ava, we'll have to figure out a way to get stronger and not just rely on our pets. Maybe if I could read that stupid book i could use some spells." "How do you know there are spells in that book," Ava asked. "There was a page that said slleps which is just spells backwards, but the writings were not backwards." "Yeah it realy is wierd, but let's leave it for tomorow, and get some sleep," Ava awnsered, sleepy. "You're right, night." "Good night."

Tako, peti del je tu, upam da ste uživale v branju, še enkrat ne pozabite lajkati in zapisati svojega mnenja v komentarje.


Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
res neznam angleško
zato te nemorem ravno pohvaliti ampak verjamem da je super

Moj odgovor:

Vsebina odgovora:
Sporočilo pred pošiljanjem še enkrat preberi in premisli, kako bi se ti počutil, če bi ga prejel.




Ogledov: 6 Odgovorov: 0

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Ogledov: 12 Odgovorov: 1

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Ogledov: 13 Odgovorov: 0

težavna izbira ptice 3. del

Ogledov: 5 Odgovorov: 0
I’m just Ken potrebuje pomoč ali nasvet v


js sm una ko sem napisala objavoOMGGG o moji sestri

no starsi so prisli domou in sta pac sla do mame in jaz in smo se pac zmenili
moja sestra je bla cist jezna on pa tut
mama je rekla da bi ji mogla povedat naj ne hodi domou in pol sta se mami jn sestra skregali in sem se rabla jaz pogovorjati z njenim fantom pa njo
rekla sta mi da s tem kar sta delala ni nic narobe in da bom razumela cez neki casa
in pol me je uprasala zakaj se mi to zdi ogabno in sem rekla ker pac je to fuj da to lizes in sta rekla da je to verjetno tudi mama pocela in da pac bom kao razumela cez neki casa
rekla je da gre danes k fantu(to smo se ob 12.00 pogovarjali zdaj pa je ze pri fantu) in sm jo vprasala ce bo spet kaj tako nagnusnega in mi je rekla da se me ne tice kaj delam in da ce bostazelela bo imela otroka ce bo zelela pa to ne bosta delala
pac nvm jaz si kar predstavljam kaj delata trenutno

hvala za odgovore

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