*b*Live Life*b*
*i*I feel the warmness of our sun,
I feel the coldness of our sea,
I feel the beauty of pur grass,
I feel the magic of our dreams.
I'm the leading soul,
with the half truth,
with the try so life has desert.
I live my life in the rain and the sun,
in the sea,
on the sky,
I live my life.
If the day comes
when the light ahead goes out,
I will take a flashlight,
turn it on and move on my way,
on my way.
I live my life in the rain and the sun, in the sea,
on the sky,
I live my life.*i*
To pesem je napisala Amy Raven. Res ti hvala, da si dovolila, da jo objavim in res mi je všeč. Vse zasluge gredo njej. Hvala še enkrat.
*i*I feel the warmness of our sun,
I feel the coldness of our sea,
I feel the beauty of pur grass,
I feel the magic of our dreams.
I'm the leading soul,
with the half truth,
with the try so life has desert.
I live my life in the rain and the sun,
in the sea,
on the sky,
I live my life.
If the day comes
when the light ahead goes out,
I will take a flashlight,
turn it on and move on my way,
on my way.
I live my life in the rain and the sun, in the sea,
on the sky,
I live my life.*i*
To pesem je napisala Amy Raven. Res ti hvala, da si dovolila, da jo objavim in res mi je všeč. Vse zasluge gredo njej. Hvala še enkrat.
Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
Bravo vera7raven!!
Jap! Res si zasluži čestitke! In ups. Pozavila sem spremeniti, ker sem kar kopirala iz wattpada. To je v bistvu Amy Raven, hihi.
Moj odgovor:
potrebuje pomoč ali nasvet v
Mam eno uprasanje.
A kdo kle trenira judo al pa karate.Mate kaksne nasvete kako nrdit izpit za belo-rumeni pas.:grinning:
Mam eno uprasanje.
A kdo kle trenira judo al pa karate.Mate kaksne nasvete kako nrdit izpit za belo-rumeni pas.:grinning:
Veliki literarni natečaj "NAJST"
Sodelujte na natečaju "NAJST," ki ga najdete v rubriki FESTIVAL!
Dogodek je del programa bralne kulture, ki ga sofinancira Javna agencija za knjigo Republike Slovenije.
Pogosta vprašanja
Priljubljene objave
Zadnji odgovori
Hejjj, sori, sam meni kode ne delajo :cold_sweat: