hejla, tule je update oziroma nov del :)
opozarjam da si deli sledijo po časovnem zaporedju, zato je razumevanje lažje, če preberete vse predhodnje dele
What do I feel right now?
Our story didn't end
when we stopped being close.
I cannot call you a friend,
so I try to be hard with you,
which is not going so well,
I just hope that it shows.
I hope you see my changes,
I wish to not see yours
but I know that it will take ages
for me to take my sword
and be stronger through our wars.
When you began appearing in my dreams,
it wasn't something new.
I got used to it, your face,
but I didn't like my screams,
so I started hating the view
and wishing it could be replaced.
My voice was not heard from others,
at least not from you,
to be honest; I actually have no clue.
Did you ever wonder why I hated blue
when you liked it the most?
Well, you loved it in his eyes
and made sure that I knew.
Our story didn't end
when we didn't watch movies anymore
and stopped texting for fun.
You know, there is another girl,
who always makes sure,
that I don't leave things undone,
and she stands in the roughest rain
like a daughter of sun.
Her eyes are not as green as yours
(honestly, you talked about them too much),
but they speak to me like open doors
and feel like a warm touch
that heals me just by looking
at the brown field, covered in roses,
oh, how I love to watch.
opozarjam da si deli sledijo po časovnem zaporedju, zato je razumevanje lažje, če preberete vse predhodnje dele
What do I feel right now?
Our story didn't end
when we stopped being close.
I cannot call you a friend,
so I try to be hard with you,
which is not going so well,
I just hope that it shows.
I hope you see my changes,
I wish to not see yours
but I know that it will take ages
for me to take my sword
and be stronger through our wars.
When you began appearing in my dreams,
it wasn't something new.
I got used to it, your face,
but I didn't like my screams,
so I started hating the view
and wishing it could be replaced.
My voice was not heard from others,
at least not from you,
to be honest; I actually have no clue.
Did you ever wonder why I hated blue
when you liked it the most?
Well, you loved it in his eyes
and made sure that I knew.
Our story didn't end
when we didn't watch movies anymore
and stopped texting for fun.
You know, there is another girl,
who always makes sure,
that I don't leave things undone,
and she stands in the roughest rain
like a daughter of sun.
Her eyes are not as green as yours
(honestly, you talked about them too much),
but they speak to me like open doors
and feel like a warm touch
that heals me just by looking
at the brown field, covered in roses,
oh, how I love to watch.
Zabaven odgovor
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Super odgovor
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Nerazumljiv odgovor
GIRL:sob::sob:drgac druga kitica je MASTERPIECE:sob::heart_eyes:pa zadnji dve vrstici v njej:broken_heart:
Moj odgovor:
potrebuje pomoč ali nasvet v
Um ja
torj hej
js mam enga sososolca k je vame. in nocem bit zlobna do njega, ampak nocm da je vame. js zej ze dolg nism bla v nobenga zalublena, ampak sem zalublena v mojga najlubsga pevca. pac tko mam ful velik stvari od njega. z tem ki je vame si snepava, a je ok ce mu js posila slike teh stvari od mojga naj pevca? a ma to smisu? pac js hocm da on ve da ne bo nc med nama, a je ok da mu posilam slike pevca?
js mam enga sososolca k je vame. in nocem bit zlobna do njega, ampak nocm da je vame. js zej ze dolg nism bla v nobenga zalublena, ampak sem zalublena v mojga najlubsga pevca. pac tko mam ful velik stvari od njega. z tem ki je vame si snepava, a je ok ce mu js posila slike teh stvari od mojga naj pevca? a ma to smisu? pac js hocm da on ve da ne bo nc med nama, a je ok da mu posilam slike pevca?
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Dogodek je del programa bralne kulture, ki ga sofinancira Javna agencija za knjigo Republike Slovenije.
Pogosta vprašanja
Priljubljene objave
Zadnji odgovori
GIRL:sob::sob:drgac druga kitica je MASTERPIECE:sob::heart_eyes:pa ...
suprrrrr je!!!!!!!!!! lovammm:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:
d best:sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob:.. ...