hejla, tule je update oziroma nov del :)
opozarjam da si deli sledijo po časovnem zaporedju, zato je razumevanje lažje, če preberete vse predhodnje dele
What do I feel right now?
Our story didn't end
when we stopped being close.
I cannot call you a friend,
so I try to be hard with you,
which is not going so well,
I just hope that it shows.
I hope you see my changes,
I wish to not see yours
but I know that it will take ages
for me to take my sword
and be stronger through our wars.
When you began appearing in my dreams,
it wasn't something new.
I got used to it, your face,
but I didn't like my screams,
so I started hating the view
and wishing it could be replaced.
My voice was not heard from others,
at least not from you,
to be honest; I actually have no clue.
Did you ever wonder why I hated blue
when you liked it the most?
Well, you loved it in his eyes
and made sure that I knew.
Our story didn't end
when we didn't watch movies anymore
and stopped texting for fun.
You know, there is another girl,
who always makes sure,
that I don't leave things undone,
and she stands in the roughest rain
like a daughter of sun.
Her eyes are not as green as yours
(honestly, you talked about them too much),
but they speak to me like open doors
and feel like a warm touch
that heals me just by looking
at the brown field, covered in roses,
oh, how I love to watch.
opozarjam da si deli sledijo po časovnem zaporedju, zato je razumevanje lažje, če preberete vse predhodnje dele
What do I feel right now?
Our story didn't end
when we stopped being close.
I cannot call you a friend,
so I try to be hard with you,
which is not going so well,
I just hope that it shows.
I hope you see my changes,
I wish to not see yours
but I know that it will take ages
for me to take my sword
and be stronger through our wars.
When you began appearing in my dreams,
it wasn't something new.
I got used to it, your face,
but I didn't like my screams,
so I started hating the view
and wishing it could be replaced.
My voice was not heard from others,
at least not from you,
to be honest; I actually have no clue.
Did you ever wonder why I hated blue
when you liked it the most?
Well, you loved it in his eyes
and made sure that I knew.
Our story didn't end
when we didn't watch movies anymore
and stopped texting for fun.
You know, there is another girl,
who always makes sure,
that I don't leave things undone,
and she stands in the roughest rain
like a daughter of sun.
Her eyes are not as green as yours
(honestly, you talked about them too much),
but they speak to me like open doors
and feel like a warm touch
that heals me just by looking
at the brown field, covered in roses,
oh, how I love to watch.
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GIRL:sob::sob:drgac druga kitica je MASTERPIECE:sob::heart_eyes:pa zadnji dve vrstici v njej:broken_heart:
Moj odgovor:
potrebuje pomoč ali nasvet v
torej s punco sva sla narazen in sva bila skupaj 1 leto pa še neki. narazn sva sla prijateljsko, saj imava se kar stike in si slediva na socialnih omrežjih. Narazen pa sva sla zato ker ona ni pripravljena za naprej in da ji v momentu ni do zveze. Ali to pomeni dq se bo vrnila k meni?
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Iii, kok je ta sonček kjuuut :hugging::kiss::ribbon:
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