Naslednji Pil izide 6. decembra
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Sporočila lahko v "Moj kotiček" pošiljajo le registrirani in aktivni uporabniki.


"HEY YOU! Yes, you, sitting behind your screen reading this. I don't know you and you certainly don't know me. But I want to tell you something. Everyone has their own story. Yours might be filled with joy and happiness, or it might be clouded with pain and misfortune. I want you to know that you're a beautiful, wonderful, talented person. Even if your life isn't going the way you want it to right now, I know that you'll be able to make it out alright. I want you to do me a favor. I know I'm just a stranger, but just trust me, okay? Every time you see your reflection, be it in the mirror in the bathroom, in a window somewhere, or in a puddle on the street, I want you to look at yourself and give yourself a hug. Because even if you aren't the prettiest or the smartest or the funniest, you're something that no one else can be: you. And you are the greatest thing you can be. Smile at strangers. Be confident in yourself. Cry when you feel like crying, laugh when you feel like laughing. Treat yourself like a god/goddess because you deserve it. Hold your head up and keep your heart open. You're worth everything and then some. And always remember that no matter what, even if it doesn't seem like it, you're everything to someone."

(And just so everyone knows, this isn't something I wrote. I saw this in the comments for a different video and I want to spread it to people who might actually need to hear this. :))
"I thought: Just one step. One step at a time. You don’t have to do them all at once."
- Jennifer Niven
*i* You can move the stars. *i*
"There are no words that can express my thanks for you. If words could be hugs I would send you pages."
Hvala vsem mojim naročnikom, vsem mojim prijateljem, vsem ljudem, ki komentirajo, vsem ljudem, ki všečkajo, vsem ljudem, ki sploh vedo kdo sem!
Oh, zelo dobro vemo, da si super oseba😘
Hvala ENAKO! :))💗💗💗🤚🤚✨✨✨✨
Ojla JustLilly! <3
Mogoče (ne spomnem se ravno) ti verjetno prvič pišem v kotiček.
1. Res si super oseba.
2. Ne vem kdaj, ampak res sem bila presenečena, da si se ti (!!!!!!!) naročila name:heart:
3. Mogoče je to malce neumno, da ti samo zaradi tega pišem:smirk::cherry_blossom:
Ful si prijazna:sparkles:
Obožujem teee:sun_with_face:
Lp, Sladkorček
Ojla Sladkorček!
1. Hvala ENAKO! :)
2. Seveda sem se! <3
3. Sploh ne! ;)
Tudi jaz obožujem tebe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lp, JustLilly <3
“Mommy, why do the greatest people die early?”
“If you’re in a garden, what flower do you pick?”
“The strongest mommy!”
Hej. Super si. Adijo.🤍
Hej! Tudi ti si!!!! Hvala!!!!!!! Adijo!🤍 - tole sem našla na smetišnici. Zate je in zelo je luškano!🥺
Si zaljubljen/a?:two_hearts:

Ne vem.
Ljubezen mi gre na bruha***. Bljak
Ne vem 😅
nekako ja :) ampak to so vecinoma fictional characters
umm... nisem prepričana 😅 no, ampak septembra sigurno bom, heheh 🥰
Na moji listi je 14 tipov in noben ne obstaja <3
Ravno na novo v resnično osebo. Drugače pa endless list of fictional characters
Fantje so zame na drugem planetu😌


Veliki literarni natečaj "NAJST"

Sodelujte na natečaju "NAJST," ki ga najdete v rubriki FESTIVAL!

Dogodek je del programa bralne kulture, ki ga sofinancira Javna agencija za knjigo Republike Slovenije.

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