Pozdravljeni pilovčki<33
Ah pa smo ga dočakali, VIKEND<33:ribbon: Kot sem že omenila bom vsako soboto objavila nov del tele igre:) Iskreno so me odzivi zelo presenetili in hvala vsem, ki ste sodelovali<3 Pa ponavljam šeenkrat, da tukaj lahko sodelujete vsi pilovci, prijavljeni in tudi neprijavljeni! Vse imam rada in vsi ste dobrodošli<33 Pa kar začnimo z današnjim delom..
Jaz vam bom naštela 40 citatov, vi pa jih morate izbrati toliko kakor vam bo 'naročeno'<3 Citati, ki bodo največkrat 'neizbrani'(a se tako reče?, hihi) ne bodo šli v naslednji krog! Tako bomo na koncu dobili zmagoslavni citat, tako imenovali Quotue of the year 2024<33:hugging:
(vseeno bom v vsak del dodala še pravila, za pilovce, ki v prejšnjih delih niso sodelovali<3)
1. Don't trust anything you see! Even salt looks like sugar<33
2. It hurts when you realize you aren't as important as you thought you were<33
3. People cry, not because they're weak! It's because the've been strong for too long<33
4. We were born to be real, not to be perfect<33
5. It's hard to turn the page, when you know someone won't be in the next chapter, but the story must go on<33
6. Everything will be okay at the end! If it's not okay, it's not the end<33
7. Don't change for people, to love you!Be yourself, and the right people will like you<33
8. If you focus on the hurt, you will continue to suffer.If you focus on the lesson, you will continue to grow<33
9. When nothing goes right, go left<33
10. I like it when you smile, but i love it when i am the reason<33
11. Mistakes are proof, that you're trying<33
12. Mentally i'm drained, but physically i smile<33
13. She didn't want love, she wanted to be loved and that was entirely different<33
14. If you treat me like an option, i'll leave you like a choice<33
15. I wonder, how i look like in your eyes<33
16. Don't make time for people, who don't make time for you<33
17. I felt so much, that i started to feel nothing<33
18. Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction, ends up the being the biggest step of your life<33
19. Better an oops, that what if<33
20. Old ways, won't open new doors<33
21. Behind every favourite song, is an untold story<33
22. A strong woman is one who is able to smile this morning, like she wasnt crying last night<33
24. Don't allow someone to treat you badly, just because you love them<33
25. Step by step, day by day<33
26. Truest takes years to built, seconds to breake, forever to repair<33
27. If you don't heal what hurt you, you'll bleed on people who didn't cut you<33
28. Sometimes the happy memories hurts the most<33
29. I don't miss you, i missthe person i thought you were<33
30. Don't confuse my personality with my attitude! My personality is who i am, and my attitude depends on who you are<33
31. Be the reason someone smiles that day<33
32. Be loyal to your future, not your past<33
33. From my rotting body,flowers shall grow and i am in them and that is eternity<33
34. Hold.On.Pain.Ends<33
35. Life isn't yours if you always care what others think<33
36. Don't be afraid of being different, be afraid ofbeing the same as everyone else<33
38. Sleeping is so hard, when you can't stop thinking<33
39. I had so much left to say<33
40. Sorry, i wasn't good enought<33
Torej v prejšnjem delu ste izločili dva citata, ki pa sta bila številki 23. in 37. (lahko si ga greste pogledat v prejšnji del<3). Danes pa lahko izločite kar 3 citate, kar priznam bo kar težko! Če bodo 'rezultati' neodločeni bom citate izžrebala ali pa dodala še svoje glasove<33 Hvala vsem za sodelovanje:hugging: rada vas imamm<33:heart:
Kpop girlie:snowflake::ribbon:
Ah pa smo ga dočakali, VIKEND<33:ribbon: Kot sem že omenila bom vsako soboto objavila nov del tele igre:) Iskreno so me odzivi zelo presenetili in hvala vsem, ki ste sodelovali<3 Pa ponavljam šeenkrat, da tukaj lahko sodelujete vsi pilovci, prijavljeni in tudi neprijavljeni! Vse imam rada in vsi ste dobrodošli<33 Pa kar začnimo z današnjim delom..
Jaz vam bom naštela 40 citatov, vi pa jih morate izbrati toliko kakor vam bo 'naročeno'<3 Citati, ki bodo največkrat 'neizbrani'(a se tako reče?, hihi) ne bodo šli v naslednji krog! Tako bomo na koncu dobili zmagoslavni citat, tako imenovali Quotue of the year 2024<33:hugging:
(vseeno bom v vsak del dodala še pravila, za pilovce, ki v prejšnjih delih niso sodelovali<3)
1. Don't trust anything you see! Even salt looks like sugar<33
2. It hurts when you realize you aren't as important as you thought you were<33
3. People cry, not because they're weak! It's because the've been strong for too long<33
4. We were born to be real, not to be perfect<33
5. It's hard to turn the page, when you know someone won't be in the next chapter, but the story must go on<33
6. Everything will be okay at the end! If it's not okay, it's not the end<33
7. Don't change for people, to love you!Be yourself, and the right people will like you<33
8. If you focus on the hurt, you will continue to suffer.If you focus on the lesson, you will continue to grow<33
9. When nothing goes right, go left<33
10. I like it when you smile, but i love it when i am the reason<33
11. Mistakes are proof, that you're trying<33
12. Mentally i'm drained, but physically i smile<33
13. She didn't want love, she wanted to be loved and that was entirely different<33
14. If you treat me like an option, i'll leave you like a choice<33
15. I wonder, how i look like in your eyes<33
16. Don't make time for people, who don't make time for you<33
17. I felt so much, that i started to feel nothing<33
18. Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction, ends up the being the biggest step of your life<33
19. Better an oops, that what if<33
20. Old ways, won't open new doors<33
21. Behind every favourite song, is an untold story<33
22. A strong woman is one who is able to smile this morning, like she wasnt crying last night<33
24. Don't allow someone to treat you badly, just because you love them<33
25. Step by step, day by day<33
26. Truest takes years to built, seconds to breake, forever to repair<33
27. If you don't heal what hurt you, you'll bleed on people who didn't cut you<33
28. Sometimes the happy memories hurts the most<33
29. I don't miss you, i missthe person i thought you were<33
30. Don't confuse my personality with my attitude! My personality is who i am, and my attitude depends on who you are<33
31. Be the reason someone smiles that day<33
32. Be loyal to your future, not your past<33
33. From my rotting body,flowers shall grow and i am in them and that is eternity<33
34. Hold.On.Pain.Ends<33
35. Life isn't yours if you always care what others think<33
36. Don't be afraid of being different, be afraid ofbeing the same as everyone else<33
38. Sleeping is so hard, when you can't stop thinking<33
39. I had so much left to say<33
40. Sorry, i wasn't good enought<33
Torej v prejšnjem delu ste izločili dva citata, ki pa sta bila številki 23. in 37. (lahko si ga greste pogledat v prejšnji del<3). Danes pa lahko izločite kar 3 citate, kar priznam bo kar težko! Če bodo 'rezultati' neodločeni bom citate izžrebala ali pa dodala še svoje glasove<33 Hvala vsem za sodelovanje:hugging: rada vas imamm<33:heart:
Kpop girlie:snowflake::ribbon:
Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
again 6 and 22. pa zlo so lepi drgač. sam ne vem ce ti bo uspelo do konca leta nardit do konca, haha
Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
izločim 19 in 34
Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
6, 19 pa 34
Moj odgovor:
Mickey Mouse :)
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Pomoč pri objavi
Sam zanima me, če kdo ve kak se na raznaih objavah da nardit, da lahko izbereš ja ali ne
Npr: Ali naj do bim uhane?
zgleda pribljižno tak
Sam zanima me, če kdo ve kak se na raznaih objavah da nardit, da lahko izbereš ja ali ne
Npr: Ali naj do bim uhane?
zgleda pribljižno tak
Kako vam je všeč zgodba v Pilu?
Zelo mi je všeč.
Ni mi všeč.