Astoria's POV:
It's 7.23 AM.I hate a lot of things but on top of the list is waking up. Especialy when I got zero sleep last night. His words are still stuck in my head. It's like there was a litlle voice in the back of my head telling me to tell him I heard that. But it's not like they meant something. We are kind of best friends so I should really stop thinking about the possibility of him liking me in any other way. He's my brother's best friend for God's sake! I need to focus on the chemistry test that is getting closer each day. I can't let one stupid crush get in the way of everything I have been working on since I can remember. I always dreamt of getting into Harvard and getting the hell out of this stupid old town. After I ate breakfast I changed, did my hair and put on my new converse I got for Christmas. We are 7 days in a new year and exam season is starting so I need to put school first. I think Britney and Katie will understand. I did agree on the triple date next week. I can't cancle again cause Britney will eat me alive if I do like I did the last 4 times I agreed to hang out with them. She said she was going to find me a date and that it will be a surprise. I hate suprises too.
Noah's POV:
It's 7.23 in the morning.I am late for the bus. Again. I forgot to plug my phone in last night. Again. I didn't get any sleep last night because I was thinking of her. Again. I am making the same mistakes over and over again. Sometimes I ask myself what's wrong with me. I always start liking the wrong girl. Even tho in this case it had always been something more than just friendship I never thought it would get this far. Sitting in a bus in silence is really depresing so I put on my head phones and play my Eminem playlist so it can help calm my thoughts down and set my head on earth where is suposed to be. I have exams that I need to study for too. I am not taking Harvard for granted. I always dreamt of getting there. I always tried to be the best in grade so I would have higher chanses. Maybe that will actualy happen. Maybe I will achive my dreams. But I need to get my thinking organized first.
*time skip*
After school...
Astoria's POV:
I can not believe when I say this but I am really happy the classes for today have ended. Mr. Wayne had a bad day and just started calling people up in front of the board to have a quick quiz and test our knowledge. It wasn't the first time he had done that but after last night I didn't read through my notes again and I feel like I forgot half the things he thaugh us yesterday. Luckly the bell rang before he came to my surname. Now I am sitting in the cafè at the corner of the street trying to write my story while listening to Britney and Katie brag about what are they going to wear for the "date" next week. Katie had a boyfriend but me and Britney were single so she thought is would be cool if she could find us both a guy for a triple date with Katie and Reggie. Her boyfriend Reggie wasn't that bad but sometimes he was being really childish. I guess that is what he and Katie had in common.
Noah's POV:
After all the classes I went to hang out with Matt and Chris when I saw her. She was sitting next to the window at the Cafè and drinking her favourite caramel and white chocolate latte. I remember her ordering it while I was working there in the break. That ginger hair of hers fell down her shoulders and her focus on her computer made my mouth grow into a litlle smirk. I liked wathing her. Not in a weird way tho. But I just like to watch her and try to think what she is thinking at the moment. That litlle head of hers has so much to say but talks pretty much none. I really wanna know what she is thinking right now.
Hej hoj!
Rekla sem sicer da bo zgodba le enodelna a imam zanjo toliko idej, da sem se jo odločila nadaljevati.
Upam, da vam je všeč in se beremo v naslednjem delu.
Sending love:heartbeat:
Vedno vaša Disney<3
It's 7.23 AM.I hate a lot of things but on top of the list is waking up. Especialy when I got zero sleep last night. His words are still stuck in my head. It's like there was a litlle voice in the back of my head telling me to tell him I heard that. But it's not like they meant something. We are kind of best friends so I should really stop thinking about the possibility of him liking me in any other way. He's my brother's best friend for God's sake! I need to focus on the chemistry test that is getting closer each day. I can't let one stupid crush get in the way of everything I have been working on since I can remember. I always dreamt of getting into Harvard and getting the hell out of this stupid old town. After I ate breakfast I changed, did my hair and put on my new converse I got for Christmas. We are 7 days in a new year and exam season is starting so I need to put school first. I think Britney and Katie will understand. I did agree on the triple date next week. I can't cancle again cause Britney will eat me alive if I do like I did the last 4 times I agreed to hang out with them. She said she was going to find me a date and that it will be a surprise. I hate suprises too.
Noah's POV:
It's 7.23 in the morning.I am late for the bus. Again. I forgot to plug my phone in last night. Again. I didn't get any sleep last night because I was thinking of her. Again. I am making the same mistakes over and over again. Sometimes I ask myself what's wrong with me. I always start liking the wrong girl. Even tho in this case it had always been something more than just friendship I never thought it would get this far. Sitting in a bus in silence is really depresing so I put on my head phones and play my Eminem playlist so it can help calm my thoughts down and set my head on earth where is suposed to be. I have exams that I need to study for too. I am not taking Harvard for granted. I always dreamt of getting there. I always tried to be the best in grade so I would have higher chanses. Maybe that will actualy happen. Maybe I will achive my dreams. But I need to get my thinking organized first.
*time skip*
After school...
Astoria's POV:
I can not believe when I say this but I am really happy the classes for today have ended. Mr. Wayne had a bad day and just started calling people up in front of the board to have a quick quiz and test our knowledge. It wasn't the first time he had done that but after last night I didn't read through my notes again and I feel like I forgot half the things he thaugh us yesterday. Luckly the bell rang before he came to my surname. Now I am sitting in the cafè at the corner of the street trying to write my story while listening to Britney and Katie brag about what are they going to wear for the "date" next week. Katie had a boyfriend but me and Britney were single so she thought is would be cool if she could find us both a guy for a triple date with Katie and Reggie. Her boyfriend Reggie wasn't that bad but sometimes he was being really childish. I guess that is what he and Katie had in common.
Noah's POV:
After all the classes I went to hang out with Matt and Chris when I saw her. She was sitting next to the window at the Cafè and drinking her favourite caramel and white chocolate latte. I remember her ordering it while I was working there in the break. That ginger hair of hers fell down her shoulders and her focus on her computer made my mouth grow into a litlle smirk. I liked wathing her. Not in a weird way tho. But I just like to watch her and try to think what she is thinking at the moment. That litlle head of hers has so much to say but talks pretty much none. I really wanna know what she is thinking right now.
Hej hoj!
Rekla sem sicer da bo zgodba le enodelna a imam zanjo toliko idej, da sem se jo odločila nadaljevati.
Upam, da vam je všeč in se beremo v naslednjem delu.
Sending love:heartbeat:
Vedno vaša Disney<3
Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
Waaaaw zelo dobra zgodba!
Boš napisala še nov del🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Boš napisala še nov del🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Hvala za pohvalo in da odgovorim nq tvoje uprašanje ja. Napisala bom nov del, ki bo izšel enkrat naslednji teden.
Moj odgovor:
potrebuje pomoč ali nasvet v
vse je slabo
Torej mam problem s staršema. Torej zame bi vsi rekl da sm ful srecna v zviljenu da mam ful fajne starse in da smo taka vesela družina. Ampak temu ni čist tko. Sj ne rečem kdaj se mamo res res fajn in takrt sm zlo srečna kdaj pa je vse slabo da mi gre cel dan na jok in zvečer se zjokam v pojstli. Torej mami včasih pije. Ima obdobje ko ne in takrat je super. Zdaj pa je spet obdobje ko skriva pijačo po sstanovanju in jaz sm že dost stara da vem kdaj je kaj pila ker se ji vidi po obnašanju. Sj ni grozno pijana mi pa to čisto nič ni všeč. Tud za očijem se vse večkrat kregata. Zdj je oči že 3 dni čist hladen in žalosten. Oba hočta to pred mano mal skrit ampak jima gre očitno bl slabo. Zdj je pa še oči najdu nek vin nekje skrit in je katastrofa. Prov otročja sta že. Recimo mami zameri in gre v sobo in ati skuha kosil in ona pol tega ne je in mi gre nasleden dan govort dda kaj zj on misl da je k je skuhal ta kosil. Pol mi zvecer ati rece bom naredu neki drudzga da ne bo presimpl da nav problemov in ja. In pač najbl slabo je to da je v hiši tok slb vibe da mi gre cel čs na jok. Vedno k se pogovarjata mi srce nabija da bo en znoru. Vem da se tud od drugih starši kregajo ampak vsi k jih js pozanm majo vsaj enga brata al pa sestro in to je pol mal lažje. Js sm pa edinka. PA še mami ma neke zdravstven težave in me je strah da ni kj narobe. Kaj nj ?? A nej se vmešam all nj rajš vse pustim prmir? A se še komu kj takega dgaja?
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Sodelujte na natečaju "NAJST," ki ga najdete v rubriki FESTIVAL!
Dogodek je del programa bralne kulture, ki ga sofinancira Javna agencija za knjigo Republike Slovenije.
Kako vam je všeč septembrski Pil?
Zelo mi je všeč.
Ni mi všeč, premalo je zanimivih vsebin.