že dolgo nisem napisala novga dela in zdaj je čas.
What do I feel right now?
It hurts me when I see
that something changed between us.
Do you even think about me
just the same,
like you promised you will
and said there is nothing to blame?
But there is
and we both know that,
even though we won't say it.
I really miss,
how you saw me back then,
how you never doubted us,
our friendship,
you never asked yourself "when?",
when will it change,
when will I become your fan,
now I did, I am,
because that's the only think I can.
How can it be a mistake,
to tell the truth?
I really thought you deserve it.
And how is it so hard to take
my words, learned by heart,
let them sit?
I see you differently now
but you see me as a beast
who does not deserve you.
Just ask yourself; how
you ended in that mist.
I ended there too.
I regret what I did
and you do not.
I'm too scared to greed
and you are not,
you just won't talk,
not even a word
'cause it would make you walk
through hell with only a sword.
Because of your silence,
you still breathe and live,
but I am struggling
with what memories give.
That's where we will stay,
not lovers not friends,
not strangers not people,
we are silent enemies
in the worst possible way.
torej jah. pa smo tam.
What do I feel right now?
It hurts me when I see
that something changed between us.
Do you even think about me
just the same,
like you promised you will
and said there is nothing to blame?
But there is
and we both know that,
even though we won't say it.
I really miss,
how you saw me back then,
how you never doubted us,
our friendship,
you never asked yourself "when?",
when will it change,
when will I become your fan,
now I did, I am,
because that's the only think I can.
How can it be a mistake,
to tell the truth?
I really thought you deserve it.
And how is it so hard to take
my words, learned by heart,
let them sit?
I see you differently now
but you see me as a beast
who does not deserve you.
Just ask yourself; how
you ended in that mist.
I ended there too.
I regret what I did
and you do not.
I'm too scared to greed
and you are not,
you just won't talk,
not even a word
'cause it would make you walk
through hell with only a sword.
Because of your silence,
you still breathe and live,
but I am struggling
with what memories give.
That's where we will stay,
not lovers not friends,
not strangers not people,
we are silent enemies
in the worst possible way.
torej jah. pa smo tam.
Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
huhh ful dobro poleg pač hm ja cele zgodbe...
jo bom poskusla uglasit ja:sparkles::grin:
jo bom poskusla uglasit ja:sparkles::grin:
Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
aghh:sob::sob::sob:to je tok dobr napisan tok čustven in ŽALOSTNO:sob:<33
Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
kk ti uspe
okej torej
ful lepo napisano, lovam take emotional in sad pesmi. kk ti uspe napisat take masterpiece rime?????? maš ful potenciala in za zgodbe in za pesmi in si prava umetnica in ja <3 bom prebrala še prejšnje dele :) uglavnem kr tako naprej <3 sm js tut že probala pisat pesmi, kr mam ideje sam jih nekak ne znam spravit na papir ig da ne najdem pravih rim?? a se da to naučit?
uglaunem prosim napiši še kak masterpiece asap ily <3
kk ti uspe
okej torej
ful lepo napisano, lovam take emotional in sad pesmi. kk ti uspe napisat take masterpiece rime?????? maš ful potenciala in za zgodbe in za pesmi in si prava umetnica in ja <3 bom prebrala še prejšnje dele :) uglavnem kr tako naprej <3 sm js tut že probala pisat pesmi, kr mam ideje sam jih nekak ne znam spravit na papir ig da ne najdem pravih rim?? a se da to naučit?
uglaunem prosim napiši še kak masterpiece asap ily <3
ful ti hvala 😭 <333
res sem ti hvaležna za ta komentar. mi zlo dosti pomeni :)
naučit rime hmmm idk. mogoč beri dosti pesmi al pa kej xD res nevem sori. drgac slovenske rime lahk tut najdeš v slovarju rimanja (na googlu najdeš - vsi jeziki) sicer js ne uporablam ker je malo goljufanje, razn če mamo kaj obvzenega za šolo ko se mi ne da razmišlat :)
res sem ti hvaležna za ta komentar. mi zlo dosti pomeni :)
naučit rime hmmm idk. mogoč beri dosti pesmi al pa kej xD res nevem sori. drgac slovenske rime lahk tut najdeš v slovarju rimanja (na googlu najdeš - vsi jeziki) sicer js ne uporablam ker je malo goljufanje, razn če mamo kaj obvzenega za šolo ko se mi ne da razmišlat :)
Moj odgovor:
potrebuje pomoč ali nasvet v
hej! kot sem ze enkrat pisala sem dobila fiksen aparat. Imam ga samo zgoraj in cez nekaj casa ga bom imela tudi spodaj (verjetno). na obeh trojkah zgoraj, imam zvezdice ki imajo tak hakelcel, kavelj. a to pomen da mi bo dal tut gumice gor ko bom dobila spodnjega, ali so kr tak
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Sodelujte na natečaju "NAJST," ki ga najdete v rubriki FESTIVAL!
Dogodek je del programa bralne kulture, ki ga sofinancira Javna agencija za knjigo Republike Slovenije.
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