Blue of you
those eyes,
color of the sea,
words of byes,
many hearts got free.
color of the sky,
staring deep in mine,
tears slowly dry,
many times crosed the line.
color of butterfly,
often given me shivers,
told many lies,
many times reminds me of rivers.
color of blueberry,
nice to see, to taste,
vibes of cruelty,
many times the time of waste.
what color are those eyes?
of the sea,
of blueberry
of the sky,
of the butterfly?
plss povejte mi vase mnenje zelo ga bon cenila
color of the sea,
words of byes,
many hearts got free.
color of the sky,
staring deep in mine,
tears slowly dry,
many times crosed the line.
color of butterfly,
often given me shivers,
told many lies,
many times reminds me of rivers.
color of blueberry,
nice to see, to taste,
vibes of cruelty,
many times the time of waste.
what color are those eyes?
of the sea,
of blueberry
of the sky,
of the butterfly?
plss povejte mi vase mnenje zelo ga bon cenila
Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
res lepa pesem, otožna če mene vprašaš. drugače pa bravo js ne bi bla sposobna spisat take pesmi v anagleščini.
~ love always, lyn
~ love always, lyn
Moj odgovor:
potrebuje pomoč ali nasvet v
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