Mixed Splotch stared at me for a few moments for sighing " Alright fine. You do realize that we could just go back to our clans right now right? I mean we can't be that far.. " He looked around before realizing, we we're in a forest, but not in the one my clan lives in. It looked more.. wild. I trotted around trying to pick up a scent. Mixed Splotch looked around, and quickly leapt in a bush " Woah, Summer Leap look at this! " I raised a brow before slowly walking in the bush. I stared, shocked at what we found. ThunderClan? There's no way it changed that fast! We had a new leader and new deputy.. I frowned. They thought I died so they replaced me. The new deputy had a grey pelt, white paws, a long, fluffy tail and ocean blue eyes. Mixed Splotch shouted " Wait a minute! Thats Sky Gaze, she was a WindClan warrior before! " I stood up leaping down into camp " Missed me? " I said coldly. Only a few Elders ( senior warriors ) remembered me. They gave me a warm welcome, while kits and apprentices looked at me curiously. I explained what happened and even the Warriors enjoyed my story. After that, I trotted towards the new leader. From the Elders, I heard that was Jaguar Star. A Fair & Wise Tom with Great fighting skills. I sat infront of him, ready to speak. He listened to my explanation carefully and was happy to see me again. He was actually my mentor when I was younger. After we had a little chat I told him about the WindClan warrior. " What?! That fox-heart! She told us she was a rogue, looking for shelter! " My eyes narrowed as Sky Gaze just entered the den. She asked " Oh Jaguar Star! Whose.. that? " She glared at me and I glared back. She turned to Jaguar Star and spoke " There's a WindClan warrior here! " She said dramatically. I said quickly " That's my freind, Mixed Splotch. He's harmless don't worry. "
Super zgodba!

See ya

iMusic (Ilovemusic

Moj odgovor:

Jst mam sam eno vprašanje za vas....<3
(lahko tut fantje gledate)
Torej približn dva mesca nazaj sm jst stala pred učilnico in gledala ene plakate. Poj sta do mene pršla dva devetarja (jst sm 7.razred) in en je bil mal manjši en večji. Torej tist ta visok mi je reku:"Hej mojmu prjatlu se ti zdiš ful sexy." zravn je tamanjši odkimavu in men itak nč ni blo jasn. In poj sta me neki sprašvala za snep (nimam ga) in poj sta me sprašvala za fonsko sam poj je pršla učitlca in sta mogla it (jst nism mela pouka k je bla 6.ura)No jst sm bla zelo zmedena pa sam nism vedla kaj naj rečem. Pa ta manjši je ves čas namigoval da sem všeč večjemu...
Kaj vi mente??? Sta se sam neki norca delala?? (čeprov sta zgledala dost resna...)
Zakaj to pišem zdaj??? Zato ker mi je ta višji ratu všeč!
hvala če boste odgovoril:)
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