hej! tu je kot obljubljeno drugi del. na prejšnjega je bil le en odziv, tako, da upam, da jih bo zdaj kaj več. pa začnimo!
chapter two
I woke up at 4 o'clock in the morninig. Everyone else was still in their beds. I haven't felt so well. I needed water. Luckly we live on Havai, so I could just step outside and I was on the beach. I was allready in my swimming suit so I just ran on the cliff and jump into the water. I was the one and only person, that could do that, because I can change the high of water. Also there was old dolphin Clark, that allways came and catch me. Then we swimmed to our island and started talking. I said: "Clark... I don't know what to do about those nightmares anymore." Clark started thinking. "I'm out with ideas too." then we we're quiet for a minute. "Trinnity! come on breakfast!" That was Casie. I didn't have to say that I have to go to Clark 'cause Casie is a mermaid.
chapter two
I woke up at 4 o'clock in the morninig. Everyone else was still in their beds. I haven't felt so well. I needed water. Luckly we live on Havai, so I could just step outside and I was on the beach. I was allready in my swimming suit so I just ran on the cliff and jump into the water. I was the one and only person, that could do that, because I can change the high of water. Also there was old dolphin Clark, that allways came and catch me. Then we swimmed to our island and started talking. I said: "Clark... I don't know what to do about those nightmares anymore." Clark started thinking. "I'm out with ideas too." then we we're quiet for a minute. "Trinnity! come on breakfast!" That was Casie. I didn't have to say that I have to go to Clark 'cause Casie is a mermaid.
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It's sooo good! I think that I am obsessed with this story I need next part!
I love book
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I freaking love your story! And u are pretty good in english for sixth grade! I really love it!
Greetings, No Name
Greetings, No Name
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ahhh, to je tok lepo:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:. ...
če želite recept je tukaj
pac ...