Hej hoj!:upside_down:
To je že 12. del mojih pesmi in današnja je zelo posebna in upam, da vam bo všeč.
Love yall:kissing_heart:
Vaša Disney<3
*b*The car ride*b*
Wake up, wake up
you need to go
don't let down
this is just the start of the show
This car ride will be long
it will be though
so you need to stay strong
but don't forget to laugh
The life you live
is not who you are
just let your thoughts go
and get in that car
We will drive through
heaven and hell
but after everything
we will be very well
The path you chose
may not be the right one
but wake up and
just move on
You flew free like a bird
even if you shouldn't
don't listen to anyone
who told you that you couldn't
Just know there will be an end
of this path
so please
don't waste your last breath
To je že 12. del mojih pesmi in današnja je zelo posebna in upam, da vam bo všeč.
Love yall:kissing_heart:
Vaša Disney<3
*b*The car ride*b*
Wake up, wake up
you need to go
don't let down
this is just the start of the show
This car ride will be long
it will be though
so you need to stay strong
but don't forget to laugh
The life you live
is not who you are
just let your thoughts go
and get in that car
We will drive through
heaven and hell
but after everything
we will be very well
The path you chose
may not be the right one
but wake up and
just move on
You flew free like a bird
even if you shouldn't
don't listen to anyone
who told you that you couldn't
Just know there will be an end
of this path
so please
don't waste your last breath
Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
zelo dobra pesem
Moj odgovor:
potrebuje pomoč ali nasvet v
Snapchat.. problem
Jst sm dodala nazaj nekoga in sva si napisala živjo pa to (je iz koreje) no in pol je hotu sliko in sm poslala navadno sliko mene pac (baggy navadne obleke) in je reku da sm cute. Zdj hoce da greva call in zlooo ocitno je da hoce ... no jst sm rekla ne ampak on me tko pros please please just one minute. Vs cs mi posilja srčke in da hoce me poljubit. vem kaj hoče sam je pa tud ful sweet in pac korejc je. nvm kaj naj kr nemorm ga blockat nevem zakaj
Veliki literarni natečaj "NAJST"
Sodelujte na natečaju "NAJST," ki ga najdete v rubriki FESTIVAL!
Dogodek je del programa bralne kulture, ki ga sofinancira Javna agencija za knjigo Republike Slovenije.
Pogosta vprašanja
Priljubljene objave
Zadnji odgovori
Hejjj, sori, sam meni kode ne delajo :cold_sweat:
evo! john je v tem delu tko top. pač ene ...
še ...
hej mam recept kako naredis nekaj ko te previč ...
fuuul suprr je!!!! lovam:kissing_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkles::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:. ...