*b* CHAPTER ONE*b* (pt.1)
*modra*TWs for this chapter:*modra*
drugs, violence/bullying, hate speach and slurs, arguing, family issues, mentions of: self harm, suicide, smoking
I struggle to put on shoes and trying to zip up my jacket at the same time. I'll be late again.
In a rush I forget to take my chapstick, but luckily I arrive at school in time.
I throw my bag on the floor next to my table and lightly punch a person sitting next to me.
"Ayyo, whussup loser?"
They roll their eyes and smirk.
"Nice to see you to Liv."
I smile and ask:
"Is Aiden here today?"
"Nahh, he's probably somewhere out getting high."
"Your right. I just hope he's not alone, you know how clumsy he is when he's in the clouds."
They reward me with a smile and turn back to the book they were reading before I came.
Azar Lee. My best friend since year 3 and the biggest book addict I know.
They're pansexual and they identify as nonbinary. They're black and quite short. They wear braids most of the time and to be honest I am very grateful they listened to my advice and stopped straightening their hair. It really made them look like a middle school nerd.
The only thing I ever see them wear is oversized clothing. But they know how to style it and overall they look pretty swag.
They also suffer for severe anxiety and that's why they basically live on weed. They say it calms them down. Which pretty much makes sense. However they hate to drink and they're always that one friend who makes sure everyone gets home safely after a party. Basicly they're the parent of the group.
We first met when they moved schools and came to my class in 3rd grade. I was sitting in the back of the class, reading a Harry Potter book. They sat down right next to me and started giving me book recommendations. Thats how our friendship started. They were my first real friend. Later in eight grade, Aiden who used to be the popular kid came out as bi and his "friends" didn't really accept him. Thats when he started hanging out with us. Later we made some new friends at one party and now it's 5 of us hanging out.
The teacher comes to class and Azar closes the book down. Even tho they aren't a perfect kid, they always listen in school, while I put my airpods in and turn the annoying teacher's voice down.
After lunch I done with school for that day, as Azar still has some lessons to attend to. With my airpods in my ears I leave trough the school door. I'm planing on going home to leave my school bag there. After that I'll look for Aiden and smoke a joint or two with him.
Sadly it doesn't go as I plan.
I'm walking and listening to music as I hear someone call my name.
"Hey, Sanders!"
I close my eyes and sigh. I know who it is right away. I turn around with an annoyed look on my face, just to make an eye contact with a brown haired boy. He's tall and his body is obviously trained in fitness, if not on innocent people who piss him off.
It's Max Stonem. And he's not alone. He's whole squad is with him, standing behind and waiting for him, to give them a sign.
"What do you want?" I ask, just wanting to get it done and over with.
He puts fake suprise on his face.
"What's with the attitude? Are mad at me?"
I roll my eyes. I really don't want to deal with this today. A slight smirk shows on his face.
"Oh, so you're just in a bad mood. What's with the black shirt and emo makeup?"
Keep in mind I'm only wearing eyeliner.
"Are you depressed again? Come on, give us a wrist reveal."
Anger is starting to boil in me. I hate when they say this. How can they be making fun of things like that?
"Shut up, Max," I say without thinking.
That's a mistake. His smirk disappears from his face.
"Be careful with what you say, Sanders" he says and makes a fist.
"For your own good."
He punches me in the face. My vision blurres, the pain starts to flourish.
As soon as he does that, the others move from their positions and start to beat me up. By the second punch, I fall on the ground. Before I can even think of standing up, someone kicks me in the stomach. Kicks and punches keeps coming and when they finally stop, I have to try really hard not to faint.
Max's face showes up infront of me. He kneels down.
"This is what you get for being a fucking faggot," he spits.
"And next time you try to kill yourself, come to me. I'll gladly do it for you."
He stands up and while he's leaving I hear him say: "Fucking emo," right before I faint.
*modra*TWs for this chapter:*modra*
drugs, violence/bullying, hate speach and slurs, arguing, family issues, mentions of: self harm, suicide, smoking
I struggle to put on shoes and trying to zip up my jacket at the same time. I'll be late again.
In a rush I forget to take my chapstick, but luckily I arrive at school in time.
I throw my bag on the floor next to my table and lightly punch a person sitting next to me.
"Ayyo, whussup loser?"
They roll their eyes and smirk.
"Nice to see you to Liv."
I smile and ask:
"Is Aiden here today?"
"Nahh, he's probably somewhere out getting high."
"Your right. I just hope he's not alone, you know how clumsy he is when he's in the clouds."
They reward me with a smile and turn back to the book they were reading before I came.
Azar Lee. My best friend since year 3 and the biggest book addict I know.
They're pansexual and they identify as nonbinary. They're black and quite short. They wear braids most of the time and to be honest I am very grateful they listened to my advice and stopped straightening their hair. It really made them look like a middle school nerd.
The only thing I ever see them wear is oversized clothing. But they know how to style it and overall they look pretty swag.
They also suffer for severe anxiety and that's why they basically live on weed. They say it calms them down. Which pretty much makes sense. However they hate to drink and they're always that one friend who makes sure everyone gets home safely after a party. Basicly they're the parent of the group.
We first met when they moved schools and came to my class in 3rd grade. I was sitting in the back of the class, reading a Harry Potter book. They sat down right next to me and started giving me book recommendations. Thats how our friendship started. They were my first real friend. Later in eight grade, Aiden who used to be the popular kid came out as bi and his "friends" didn't really accept him. Thats when he started hanging out with us. Later we made some new friends at one party and now it's 5 of us hanging out.
The teacher comes to class and Azar closes the book down. Even tho they aren't a perfect kid, they always listen in school, while I put my airpods in and turn the annoying teacher's voice down.
After lunch I done with school for that day, as Azar still has some lessons to attend to. With my airpods in my ears I leave trough the school door. I'm planing on going home to leave my school bag there. After that I'll look for Aiden and smoke a joint or two with him.
Sadly it doesn't go as I plan.
I'm walking and listening to music as I hear someone call my name.
"Hey, Sanders!"
I close my eyes and sigh. I know who it is right away. I turn around with an annoyed look on my face, just to make an eye contact with a brown haired boy. He's tall and his body is obviously trained in fitness, if not on innocent people who piss him off.
It's Max Stonem. And he's not alone. He's whole squad is with him, standing behind and waiting for him, to give them a sign.
"What do you want?" I ask, just wanting to get it done and over with.
He puts fake suprise on his face.
"What's with the attitude? Are mad at me?"
I roll my eyes. I really don't want to deal with this today. A slight smirk shows on his face.
"Oh, so you're just in a bad mood. What's with the black shirt and emo makeup?"
Keep in mind I'm only wearing eyeliner.
"Are you depressed again? Come on, give us a wrist reveal."
Anger is starting to boil in me. I hate when they say this. How can they be making fun of things like that?
"Shut up, Max," I say without thinking.
That's a mistake. His smirk disappears from his face.
"Be careful with what you say, Sanders" he says and makes a fist.
"For your own good."
He punches me in the face. My vision blurres, the pain starts to flourish.
As soon as he does that, the others move from their positions and start to beat me up. By the second punch, I fall on the ground. Before I can even think of standing up, someone kicks me in the stomach. Kicks and punches keeps coming and when they finally stop, I have to try really hard not to faint.
Max's face showes up infront of me. He kneels down.
"This is what you get for being a fucking faggot," he spits.
"And next time you try to kill yourself, come to me. I'll gladly do it for you."
He stands up and while he's leaving I hear him say: "Fucking emo," right before I faint.
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Honestly I love Azar. They're an icon.
Also Max shut tf up and get your ugly ass outta here. Thank you.
Edina stvar ki me je zmotila poleg tega da malce manjka description na stvar okoli (kakšna je miza, če ima kaj vrezano vanjo itd.) je treba razločit grožnjo in posledice ko ga ne upoštevaš. On ji je zagrozil in navalil naslednjo sekundo kar pomeni da ni naredila nič proti temu. Take stvari so dosti pomembne. Pač če bi vrinila še en njen stavek vmes ko bi ona rekla: No, I don't think I will ali kaj podobnega bi pa v bistvu šlo kar gladko (pa če bi dala ven tisto: That's a mistake, hkrati, drugače raje pusti kot je, bo boljše). That's my opinion ampak overall držim pesti da ne nasrka še bolj! Also I can't wait to find out who's going to find her (please don't let her crawl home alone)!
~Z ljubeznijo, Raven
Also Max shut tf up and get your ugly ass outta here. Thank you.
Edina stvar ki me je zmotila poleg tega da malce manjka description na stvar okoli (kakšna je miza, če ima kaj vrezano vanjo itd.) je treba razločit grožnjo in posledice ko ga ne upoštevaš. On ji je zagrozil in navalil naslednjo sekundo kar pomeni da ni naredila nič proti temu. Take stvari so dosti pomembne. Pač če bi vrinila še en njen stavek vmes ko bi ona rekla: No, I don't think I will ali kaj podobnega bi pa v bistvu šlo kar gladko (pa če bi dala ven tisto: That's a mistake, hkrati, drugače raje pusti kot je, bo boljše). That's my opinion ampak overall držim pesti da ne nasrka še bolj! Also I can't wait to find out who's going to find her (please don't let her crawl home alone)!
~Z ljubeznijo, Raven
Haha, Azar is indeed my baby.
Drugeče, pa hvala za nasvet se bom potrudila, da čim bolj upoštevam;)
Drugeče, pa hvala za nasvet se bom potrudila, da čim bolj upoštevam;)
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Najprej...Naslov je res zelooo vabljiv, mogoče meni, ker sem zdej očitno ratala obsedena s kinda depresivnimi knjigami, al pa je naslov resss dober, drugič..Tale del mi je bil super res...Nadaljuj s pisanjem, Liv, ker ti gre odlično!!!!
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hun, to je amazing. actually je ful nice. pa se vidi da mas talent, nadaljuj s tem. lepo se mi zdi da pises v english in v slovenscini, men je osebno angleska verzija bolj pri srcu ker se tud meni zdi da ko kaj pisem, lazje kaj opisujem v anglescini in najdem pridevnike. tudi uvod sem prebrala pa je supr aswell.
lepo se mej, anika <33
lepo se mej, anika <33
Moj odgovor:
potrebuje pomoč ali nasvet v
Zdravo... sm dekle stara 13-14let.. ze kar neki casa se pocutm mal depresivno. Ne vedno in vsak dan amoak skoraj vsak dan. Velikokrat sem narobu joka, če mi starši kej rečejo sm takoj občutljiva ipd... Počutm se "prazno" in kot da nikoli ne bom mela nevem... prjatlc k so res tko "best" al oa fanta al pa kej...Pa tko vedno če se kdo neoočut ok se pogovarjam z njimi in jih poslušam in vsem pomagam ampak vedno ostale postavm pred sebe. In pol če komu povem svoje tezave vsaj mal prb,izn recejo ja sej men se tud to dogaja al pa jim vseeno.. Kar se tud dogaja je da razmišljam o tem kako bi bla vitkejsa! naj se izbruham da izgubim hrano itd... 2 ali 3 sem pomislila o self harmingu.... Kaj naj naredim? Nimam obcutka kako resno je ker vem da obstajajo ljudje z hujšimi težavami in resnimi oblikami takih bolezni? amapak kaj naj naredim?
Kako vam je všeč zgodba v Pilu?
Zelo mi je všeč.
Ni mi všeč.
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iiiiii pa to je tko the best:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::hearts::hearts::hearts: ...