I didn't want to do it. I really didn’t.
Fredbear’s closed down. It was never reopened. My father went there and took one of the animatronics. He kept it in the garage for a while, but it disappeared after a while.
Of course, I remember now. They weren’t just animatronics. They were costumes. The springlocks held back the robot parts when a person wore it. It was a death trap. One wrong move and the springlocks would push the robot parts back in place. Into your body. There was no way of surviving a springlock failure.
but he did I saw him again
I went to Fredbear’s too. I wanted to say sorry. To say goodbye.
it did not go right
I went into the back room. I was right. Fredbear was there, lying on the ground. But something about him was… wrong.
And then I saw it.
His eyes were black.
Like my brother’s.
Am I crazy? I think I am. Even in 1983, I didn’t see any other explanation for what I saw. There was no way it was him. He died, right?
but yet there he was
It was years later when I realized what happened. He wasn’t supposed to die. So he didn’t. His soul never left that place. The animatronic was designed this way.
Fredbear’s closed down. It was never reopened. My father went there and took one of the animatronics. He kept it in the garage for a while, but it disappeared after a while.
Of course, I remember now. They weren’t just animatronics. They were costumes. The springlocks held back the robot parts when a person wore it. It was a death trap. One wrong move and the springlocks would push the robot parts back in place. Into your body. There was no way of surviving a springlock failure.
but he did I saw him again
I went to Fredbear’s too. I wanted to say sorry. To say goodbye.
it did not go right
I went into the back room. I was right. Fredbear was there, lying on the ground. But something about him was… wrong.
And then I saw it.
His eyes were black.
Like my brother’s.
Am I crazy? I think I am. Even in 1983, I didn’t see any other explanation for what I saw. There was no way it was him. He died, right?
but yet there he was
It was years later when I realized what happened. He wasn’t supposed to die. So he didn’t. His soul never left that place. The animatronic was designed this way.
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OMGGGGGGGGG JSTTT NEMORMMM NEHATTT TEGA BRATTTTTTTT:joy::heart_eyes::laughing:i mean its just amazinggggg:heart::heart::heart:
Plsssssss hitr napisss nov delll kerr nemormmmmm cakatttt:heart::heart::heart:RES AMAZING STORY FOR ME HEHE:heart:
Plsssssss hitr napisss nov delll kerr nemormmmmm cakatttt:heart::heart::heart:RES AMAZING STORY FOR ME HEHE:heart:
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potrebuje pomoč ali nasvet v
js sm hodla na plezanje, ampak sem nehala, ker nisem mela prjatlov tam in mi je blo ful smotan. potem sem spet hotla zacet, ampak nisem hotla bit sama tam. zvedla sm da bi moja prjatlca tut rada hodla in da tut noce sama hodet. zmenle smo se da bomo hodle skupi in zdej hodiva na treninge. sva 9. razred in tam so vsi mini otroci. najstarejsi so v 5 razredu, kar so za mene mini otroci. in so full zlobni pa to... no in dans moja prjatlca ne more it, ker je bolans in zakaj bi pol js sla ce bom sama? no in zato nimam namena it. ko to povem mamici se zacne dret na mene da kaj je z mano, kako bos bla v sluzbi... pac okej ja, sam nocem it tja med zlobne otroke.
v soli imam 3 prjatlce s katerimi se druzim, in pol se 2 s katerima se druzim kdaj pa kdaj ce v soli ni mojih treh prijateljic. enkrat bi morali iti na pohod in ni bilo mojih treh prijateljic in ni bilo tistih dveh. nisme hotla v solo ker bi morala na pogodu ves cas hoditi sama... mami se je spet zacela dret na mene in mogla bi it v solo, ampak me je resilo to da sem zbolela.
vse tri moje prjatlce ko sm jih uprasala kaj bi nardile na mojem mestu, so rekle da tt nebi sle v solo.
ka sm res tol glupa?
v soli imam 3 prjatlce s katerimi se druzim, in pol se 2 s katerima se druzim kdaj pa kdaj ce v soli ni mojih treh prijateljic. enkrat bi morali iti na pohod in ni bilo mojih treh prijateljic in ni bilo tistih dveh. nisme hotla v solo ker bi morala na pogodu ves cas hoditi sama... mami se je spet zacela dret na mene in mogla bi it v solo, ampak me je resilo to da sem zbolela.
vse tri moje prjatlce ko sm jih uprasala kaj bi nardile na mojem mestu, so rekle da tt nebi sle v solo.
ka sm res tol glupa?
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hahaaha, thats sooooooooo real!!!:slight_frown::slight_frown::grin::grin::joy::joy::sweat_