Request: EvaTheFangirl
Prejšnjič sem napisala pesem o izgubi ljubljene iz vidika fanta, danes pa bom napisala pesem z istim pomenom ampak, da se izraža dekle.
When he left my heart crashed like glass,
now I'm loking at the miror and i know im total mess.
But l can't help it, i can't belive
that he died and left me live.
I can't get over the fact he's dead,
and the fact he died instead of me drives me fu*king mad.
He didnt desrve it, and neither did I,
but i can't stop to question why?
Why the h*ll he had to go?
No need to tell me, I already know,
that's the fortune, it had to be like that,
and now I'm deeply depresed and sad.
Wish I could die instead,
wish he could live and I'd be dead.
Prejšnjič sem napisala pesem o izgubi ljubljene iz vidika fanta, danes pa bom napisala pesem z istim pomenom ampak, da se izraža dekle.
When he left my heart crashed like glass,
now I'm loking at the miror and i know im total mess.
But l can't help it, i can't belive
that he died and left me live.
I can't get over the fact he's dead,
and the fact he died instead of me drives me fu*king mad.
He didnt desrve it, and neither did I,
but i can't stop to question why?
Why the h*ll he had to go?
No need to tell me, I already know,
that's the fortune, it had to be like that,
and now I'm deeply depresed and sad.
Wish I could die instead,
wish he could live and I'd be dead.
Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
wow js sm se spet jokala:sob::sob: zram to je tk dobro da bi mogla it na kako tekmovanje
hotla sm da napišeš tto pesem ker sm se tk js počutla ko sm gledala serijo Sherlock in je Sherlock skoču iz strehe:sob::sob:vem da je pol prišu nazaj ampak sm bla heartbroken ker je Benedict Cumberbatch moj absolute celebrity crush
Anyways LYSM,
hotla sm da napišeš tto pesem ker sm se tk js počutla ko sm gledala serijo Sherlock in je Sherlock skoču iz strehe:sob::sob:vem da je pol prišu nazaj ampak sm bla heartbroken ker je Benedict Cumberbatch moj absolute celebrity crush
Anyways LYSM,
Te popolnoma razumem sem tudi jaz jokala takrat. Bom napisala še več takih pesmi če ti je prav. Imaš kakšen predlog? Lp.
Your flying creature 👼
Your flying creature 👼
Plz napiši pesem o tem, kako se počutijo starši, ko njihov otrok postane najstnik in se oddaljuje od njih
Moj odgovor:
potrebuje pomoč ali nasvet v
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